FAQ: Marist College Computer Store

Frequently Asked Questions for the Computer Store

Where is the Computer Store located and what can I buy there?

The Computer Store is virtual. You may purchase equipment or accessories using the Online Store or contact the Store via phone or email. The hours are Monday - Friday, 9am-4pm. Available from the Computer Store are printers, USBs, cables (TV, Ethernet and printer), security locks, backpacks, mice, mouse pads, speakers, headphones, external hard drives and a variety of computer accessories. Laptops can be ordered.

Can I special order something you don't carry?

We will special order, we require a 50% deposit on any special orders.

Do you sell software?
Can I lease a computer?

Currently there is no leasing program in effect for computers here at Marist for students.

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Article ID: 819
Tue 9/26/23 11:27 AM
Mon 10/2/23 4:23 PM