My Recently Visited Services

ID Cards are printed in the Card Office currently located in Donnelly Hall.

Provide assistance with access to a mailbox and/or calendar.

Create and maintain z/OS images for IDCP courses “test drives”.

Management of three year computer refresh cycle.

Marist listservs are used to send mass email to groups of Marist constituents such as all students or all staff.

Domain accounts provide access to Marist-owned computers and file share access.

Banner module used to manage grades.

List of devices supported on the Marist network.

Marist's learning management system.

Video capture tool.

Originals are folded in half and stapled with two staples in the center of the folded pages.

Assistance with Marist owned computers located in campus labs and classrooms.

Banner course registration tool.

An official transcript is a record issued by Marist to communicate a student's full academic history.

Vendor accounts are provided short term to vendors while they provide service to the College.

Academic and Administrative office dusting.

This is a punched format where the document is bound together by a plastic comb along the side or at the top, usually with a heavier stock for the front and back cover.

BDM is a document and imaging management system for Banner.

Electronic health records system.

Marist accounts designated for clubs at Marist.

Professional staff in the DPC provide layout and design services.

Assistance with sharing files internally and externally, setting up Request Files feature, and assist with OneDrive sync.